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海德堡印刷机械股份公司在长达150多年的发展历程中,一直致力于推动印刷行业的前进和不断发展。海德堡集团总部位于德国海德堡市, 业务涉及单张纸胶印的整个流程和价值链,产品从印前、印刷、印后领域一直延伸至软件与服务,从而整合整个印刷制造流程并为客户提供印刷一体化解决方案。海德堡集团在整个行业内拥有较为广泛和全面的销售及客户服务网络,集团共有250个技术支持中心,分别分布于170多个国家和地区。海德堡集团创办的“印刷媒体学院”是一个技术交流的中心,它为整个印刷行业提供了一个系统传播行业知识的渠道和网络。分布于德国、美国、埃及、马来西亚、俄罗斯、巴西、中国、澳大利亚和日本的九个印刷媒体学院为全球的印刷供应商提供相关支持。每年数以千计的学习者利用在这里学到的知识来提高他们的工作技能和解决他们在工作中遇到的各种挑战。印刷媒体学院已不仅局限于提供传统的产品培训,同时还能够提供新的印刷应用软件以及新技术、市场、销售和管理等多方面的培训。海德堡印刷设备(上海)有限公司是海德堡集团在中国的全资生产基地。我们生产一流的单张纸胶印印刷机及其他的辅助设备。我们是一支年青的、充满活力的且与德国公司的架构体系保持密切联系的国际化团队。海德堡集团深知员工是公司获得成功的宝贵财富。海德堡集团在全球拥有超过18000名员工,他们通过自身的努力工作使公司始终保持在业内的领先地位和良好声誉。为了更好的服务于客户,我们不断寻找高素质的人才加入我们的行列。公司提供通勤班车,良好的工作环境,具市场竞争力的薪酬福利待遇,以及学习和发展的机会。如果您在寻求长期的职业发展,请加入到我们成功的队伍中来,让我们共同努力创造未来!For over more than 150 years, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) has been developing and shaping the printing industry. Headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, the Company focuses on the entire process and value chain in sheetfed offset printing.In addition to printing presses, the product portfolio includes plate imaging devices and finishing equipment.As well as software components designed to integrate all print manufacturing processes.Heidelberg’s 250 support centers in 170 countries provide the most comprehensive sales and service network in the entire industry.The secret behind our success is our employees’ hard work and performance. Heidelberg’s more than 18,000 staff worldwide share responsibility for upholding the company’s reputation well into the future.We can do it: we will secure the future of print mediaHeidelberg Graphic Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. offers an open working environment with abundant opportunities for growth and development.We offer excellent working conditions in a young international team in close relationship with our German organization and a competitive salary.If you are looking for a career for long-term development and willing to contribute to our success, please forward your resume in English and Chinese with details of qualifications, working experience, current and expected remuneration and recent photograph to:HEGSjob@heidelberg.com


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